[2019기출] 인창고 영어내신 능률(김성곤) 1과
- 블로그 지난 자료실
- 2020. 4. 17. 11:39
[2019기출] 인창고 영어내신 능률(김성곤) 1과
학교별로 내신 출제 경향을 손쉽게 파악할 수 있도록 구성했습니다.
파일 자료를 원하시면 리카수니 카페를 이용하세요!
리카수니 카페 : 네이버 카페
영어자료 공유를 목적으로 운영되는 카페입니다.
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [1과]
(A) Ethan is only five feet tall, and his legs unnaturally bend away from each other. It is difficult for him to walk, run, or move around. Because of his condition, ⓐhe decided to leave his crowded high school in the big city. He moved to our school. That following summer, he asked the coach if he could join the football team as a sophomore. The coach wasn't sure at first, but in the end ⓑhe accepted the request.
(B) All eyes were on Ethan. With the ball in his hands, everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, like in a Hollywood movie. People kept their eyes on him as ⓒhe made his way to the end zone. They saw him cross the goal line right before the clock ran out. Unexpectedly, everyone in the crowd leapt to their feet with their hands in the air. They were bursting with excited shouts and unending cheers for Ethan.
(C) Over time, however, Ethan became valuable to the team in different ways. His passion for the game was an inspiration to all his teammates. Because Ethan motivated and encouraged them, they became ⓓhis most passionate fans. Day in and day out, seeing Ethan's smile, positive attitude, and hard work lifted everyone's spirits. Right before every game, Ethan would always be in the middle of the group offering motivational words.
(D) When the rival team dropped the ball, one of our players recovered it and quickly ran down the field with it. Ethan ran right after him to catch up. As our player got closer to the end zone, he saw Ethan behind him on his left. Instead of running straight ahead, the player kindly passed the ball to Ethan so that ⓔhe could score a touchdown.
위 글의 주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 글의 흐름에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① (B) - (C) - (D) ② (B) - (D) - (C)
③ (C) - (B) - (D) ④ (C) - (D) - (B)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
위 글의 Ethan에 관한 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것은?
① 다리는 부자연스럽게 구부러졌다.
② 엔드존 근처에서 공을 건네 받았다.
③ 전에 다니던 학교는 대도시에 있었다.
④ 골라인을 넘기 직전에 경기가 종료되었다.
⑤ 다른 방식으로 팀에 중요한 사람이 되었다.
다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [1과]
For the past three years, (A)Ethan has been schooling us all in the game of life. He always reminds us that everyone is important to a team's success, though their role on the team may be small. Instead of putting all his efforts into trying to be the team's best player, he has done everything he can to make the team better. As Ethan has shown us, lifting up those around us is also of great worth. When we help others shine, their light will shine on us in return. Yes, sometimes there is something better than being the best.
위 글의 밑줄 친 (A)의 영어문장을 우리말로 번역 하시오.