블로그 지난 자료실 DATA1 2018. 2. 24. 21:27
천재 영어(이재영) 1강 본문과 해석_2015년개정(편집용)관련자료실 바로 이동하기(클릭!!) A Secret Mentor in the Locker I felt nervous and worried because I was about to jump into a completely new world. All my best friends and I had hoped to go to the same high school, but I was the only one who would attend a different one. I was not sure if I could adapt to the new environment. I was on the phone with my friends till late. We ta..
블로그 지난 자료실 DATA1 2018. 2. 24. 20:29
지학사 영어(민찬규) 4강 본문과 해석_2015년개정(편집용)파일자료 받기http://likasuni.tistory.com/1340 Yuri’s Homestay Experience in Beijing During the summer break, as an exchange student, I visited my school’s sister school in Beijing, China. Before the trip I searched the Internet to collect as much information as possible to get to know about the country. I realized it had become very modernized. I also found out that t..
블로그 지난 자료실 DATA1 2018. 2. 7. 20:44
관련자료실 이동하기(클릭하기!) 비상 영어(홍민표) 4강 본문과 해석_2015년개정 Adventure in Italy 자료입니다. 편집용 텍스트자료입니다. 복사해서 이용하시면 됩니다~ Lesson 04 Adventure in Italy I was thrilled when my cousin, Suji, invited me to Italy, a country in southern Europe that looks like a boot. She had a few days off from studying music in a conservatory, so we could spend a week together in Rome and Venice. I had never been abroad by myself, and ..
블로그 지난 자료실 DATA1 2018. 2. 7. 20:39
관련자료실 이동하기(클릭하기!) 비상 영어(홍민표) 3강 본문과 해석_2015년개정 자료입니다. 복사해서 이용하세요. Lesson 03 Small Actions, Big Impact "Going green" seems to be all the rage these days. Stores and companies use phrases like this to promote their businesses as eco-friendly. It makes sense to try to live in a way that does not harm the environment, but is it easy to go green? In your home, for example, do you always unplug your T..
블로그 지난 자료실 DATA1 2018. 2. 6. 12:42
능률 영어(양현권) 4강 본문과 해석_2015년개정(편집용)입니다. 복사해서 사용하세요~ 분석자료는 아래의 주소로 편하게 이용하세요.분석자료 바로이동(클릭) Some Like It Cold, Some Like It Hot What else do you expect in summer in Seoul, besides the long days and hot, sleepless nights? It was summer again in Korea, and I was melting like an ice cream in a child’s hand on Seoul’s hot summer streets. Luckily, in the middle of the city, I found the perfect thing to f..